Vermont Computing Cooperative: Company Profile


Year Founded: 2002 - Employees purchased the company in Nov., 2014 and founded a workers co-op
Year(s) of Employee Ownership Implementation: 7 years
Headquartered in: Randolph, VT
Number of Employees: 4 Co-op members and 1 part-time employee
Revenue: $165,100 (2020)
Line of Business: Computer sales & service also a game store
Profile last updated: August 11th, 2021

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VT Computing Cooperative offers in shop services, house calls, business IT services, mobile device repair, remote support, and internet services.

On being employee owned they say, “Our new Cooperative structure allows us more flexibility in our pricing. We can also provide more personalized service.” 

Check out our interviews with two worker owners Matt Gustafson and Ian Stewart on all things employee ownership here.